Realistic Love Doll the safest way to buy your love doll.
At Realistic Love Doll security matters, that’s why we use a full SSL Encrypted website Ranked A (you can check with the green lock on your browser).
We also use the trustful Paypal for all our transactions. With these 2 signs, you can entrust that all your information is protected.
As a verified Paypal member, we have proved then we have met the quality of Paypal and we are a reliable supplier.
You can check below all the payment options available to you.
We are using Paypal as the main payment method, we this solution, all transactions are in charge of Paypal. At any time we won’t know your bank information. Plus, using Paypal you will benefit from the buyer protection program. All your purchases with Paypal are backed by Paypal. Using Paypal does not require any Paypal Account, and Paypal won’t store your banking information. Shop with no stress.

For US customers you can apply for a Paypal credit, check out now and pay later!
The safest and fastest way to get a credit, and if you pay in full within 6 months, no interest!
Direct Bank Transfer
Realistic Love Doll also accept direct bank transfer, once the order is complete, send us a message to tell us the bank transfer has been made.
It’s easier for us to track down your payment.
Once the payment is received on your side we will proceed with the order (Bank transfer can take up to a week).
Bitcoin & Ethereum Accepted
Bitcoin and Ethereum are decentralized, peer-to-peer, “cryptocurrency” systems designed to allow online users to process transactions through digital units of exchange called respectively Bitcoins and Ethers.
Bitcoin and Ether payments are processed through a private network of computers linked through a shared program.
Each transaction is simultaneously recorded in a “blockchain” on each computer that updates and informs all accounts. Benefits:
- User Anonymity
- No Third-party Interruptions
- Very Low Transaction Fees
Realistic Love Doll, it’s also 7 days a week customer support
If you need at anytime information on our payment options please contact us, we will help you within 24h