Chinese New Year 2021

This year 2021 the CNY (Chinese New Year) is the 12th of February. Holidays will start on the 10th for 2 weeks.

The first week is the most important as everyone will be with their own families.

The second week, workers will start to go back to their working areas, some factories can resume work earlier

Getting Ready for the Chinese New Year Eve Dinner | ISA Migration and  Education Agents

What will happen for production?

During the CNY all the production is stopped everywhere in China, as well all shipping companies will stop accepting parcel/containers prior to this date.

After the CNY, the production will start with all the pending orders, same for shipping companies.

Demand for Chinese goods creates shipping container shortage | The Japan  Times

As you can imagine, the number of orders can be quite important and can lead to some extra delay right after the work starts over.

So, all orders received and not shipped will be on hold during the holidays and processed after that.

So, worst-case scenario, you will have a 2 to 3 weeks delay.

Factories will resume work on the 20th of February. Because of the Covid starting again in China this year, it’s possible that workers won’t be able to travel back home. Production might start earlier than expected.

Order now or later?

If you don’t mind waiting extra time, you can place the order during the holidays, you will just have an extra waiting time. Usually, factories try to start a little bit before the end of the holidays to resume work asap.

For all order not shipped before the closing date we will offer you a few wig and eyes set for your sex doll !

Once the factory will re-open we will check the new ETA and notify you of the new ready date.

If you prefer to wait, then wait until early March to let the flow of all the orders processed during the holidays. But the wait can be even longer!

Last year was pretty special because of the covid the factories had to spot 1 complete month, even more due to virus outbreak. This year, travel might be restricted, hence going back to work earlier.